Still want to know more?  Here's a bit more about me...


I am a 3rd year Business Management Student and I'm a Business School Ambassador and elected Student Representative. I have been part of Carnival RAG throughout my time at University and I am now a Publicity Officer on the committee. I am a very creative and active person, I enjoy organising events and coming up with new ideas to solve problems or fill a need.

Having been dynamic around the University as a whole and not just the Guild, I feel I will come to the position of VPSAD with a fresh approach, from the perspective of a student wanting to futher my skills set, a society member and a committee member. It's really important for students to know they don't have to be involved in all the nitty-gritty of the Guild to get involved in some amazing activities which will really add to their employability.

I feel I am a very approachable, down to earth person, and will be able to communicate well with all students. I don't know all the ins and outs of the Guild at the moment, but I am extremely hard working and all the operational information I need for the position will be provided during the hand-over. I do believe that having that the qualities, personality, creativity and skills that I possess are essential to being a really great and effective VPSAD, and cannot be learnt through training or during hand-over.  


I have always been part of groups and clubs whilst growing up, often taking a leadership role and seeing first hand the benefits being part of such groups can have on the individual and also the wider community. I was a helper at a number of youth groups and I was a Girl Guide Rainbow leader for 5 years, achieving my leadership warrant before coming to university. I was also a student mentor during my time at secondary school. On coming to University, I have been able to expand on these skills and apply them to the Society I am part of, and on other activities around the University.

My part time job in the Alumni Office at the University of Birmingham involves organising and hosting events, dealing with a complex database and producing marketing for various projects. Working here has shown me how effective cooperation between University departments and student groups could be.

A bit more personal....I have been involved in Charity and Volunteering work since a young child, and it means a lot to me. I'm a terrible vegetarian (I can't say no to some bacon!), I love fancy dress and going to live gigs. I try and go to a couple of fitness classes a week at Uni - just to make up for all those Carnival Curry's and late night Luciano's!! I love cooking and all the cooking programmes - I can't help it that I find Gordon Ramsey attractive ok?! I'm grade 6 on the piano, and had a go at guitar and violin, but was pretty useless! I love Kareoke (even though awful at it!!), I'm extremely enthusiastic, and I throw myself into everything I get involved in.