My Manifesto and Aims

Right, now you've seen a basic outline of my manifesto aims, here's a bit more detail about what exactly I want to do with my time as VPSAD


I want to set up workshops run by students, graduates and experts on subjects such as how to create websites, how to effectively publicise your student group, and how to balance your books. These will be open for all society members to attend, not just committee members, as it is important to me to develop the skills of all students.

I aim to work closely with other university departments, such as Venues, Marketing and Finance, to increase the interaction with student groups and allow contacts to be made.  Students should feel able to use the expertise and experience of those people employed by the Guild to help them.


While I understand it is impossible for the Guild to provide every single resource required by every single society, many things can still be improved.  For example, the software on the computers in Student Development is inadequate - how can student groups produce their own publicity without publishing software, or programmes such as Photoshop?  As well as providing such resources I will provide training in how to use them. I know there are some problems with the Room Booking system at the moment and student groups struggling to get the appropriate room for their needs. I intend on looking into a student group preferential system, methods of ensuring rooms are not booked and then left empty, and creating a clear description sheet of each room and its facilities/equipment to go on the Guild of Student website and also behind Reception.

I want students to know that I am approachable with their concerns, queries or suggestions, and I will do everything possible to help them. I would like students to feel able to pop into my office to run through ideas or seek advice but I will also actively reach out to groups by continuing the drop-in sessions in Student Development


It is important to create a relaxed informal environment for the purpose of building contacts.  Students and departments will feel able to ask questions, share ideas, create equality amongst groups and break down any barriers created through lack of knowledge and information.

I aim for student groups to be encouraged to realise new concepts and consider joint ventures.

I have heard many positive things about mini-forums, and therefore would like to continue with them and increase their relevance and effectiveness. This is a great way to ask questions and seek advice in a relaxed atmosphere, meet other student groups and potentially work together on projects.

Breaking down barriers within the Guild will make it easier for student groups to successfully run: groups are not in competition with one another, and in fact often have valuable skills to share.


I want to develop and improve the Guild of Students Website to include up to date contact information, meeting times of student groups and potentially a brief outline of what each group actually does.  I would also create an FAQ section on how to fill in risk assessments, venue and room information, setting up new groups and grant availability amongst other things. Having all this information in an Information Folder kept in Student Development will equally help to improve the accessibility to information. I will also look into having a copy at the Library Reception in the ORLC on Selly Oak campus.

Creating an online calendar of student activities and events will encourage and give the opportunity for students to take part in various activities taking place in and around the Guild.

Equal access to information is extremely important to me as all students should have the right and the opportunity to learn more about the operations of the Guild and the options available to them. From speaking to off-campus and satellite site students, updating the website would make a huge difference and make the Guild and its activities much more accessible to them.